Heey!! Here I am with some new vocabulary I have learnt in this last classes.
Hope it help you!!!


BID: offer of a amount of money for something that is for sale

                       -EX:  I made a bid of $150 for the painting.

SPARE TIME: free time (You can do what you want, like watching films or play you favourite sport)

FOUND RAISING: collecting money to help people that can´t afford their necessities.
TIP: piece of advice

APPEAL: to be interesting or attractive to people
BROADCAST: to send out information on the radio or TV.
EXAGERATE: to say something is bigger or better than it is.
APPEAR: to perform or speak where you are seen by a lot of people.
CONVINCE: to succed in making somebody belive something
CLAIM: to say something is true although you might not be able to prove it.
LET´S FACE IT: (vamos a ver)
