
Showing posts from October, 2017


VOCABULARY -STRIKES:   a refusal to work organized by a body of employees as a form of protest, typically in an attempt to gain a concession or concessions from their employer. -AVAILABLE: able to be used or obtained   -BAREFOOT: wearing nothing on the feet   -FASTEN YOUR SEATBELTS: (abrocharse el cinturón) -MOPED: It´s similar to a scooter, and is easy to drive.   NEW EXPRESSIONS!!! -IT HASN´T RAINED FOR AGES: It has passed a long time since the last time it rained -BE CRAZY ABOUT: Like something a lot MODAL VERBS   (CAN, COULD, MUSTN´T, SHOULD, SHOULDN´T, MAY, MIGHT, DON´T HAVE TO, HAVE TO, NEED, USED TO, OUGHT TO) ·         IMPORTANT!!!! -NO “to” -NO “s” -NO AUXILIARY IN QUESTIONS -NO AUXILIARY IN NEGATIVE SENTENCES A LITTLE BIT OF GRAMMAR In this term we are going to study:   -PRESENT PERFECT : ...