
Showing posts from September, 2016

Geography glossary. Unit 1

GEOGRAPHY GLOSSARY .          UNIT 1: STUDYING TERRITORIES - AERIAL: air/ overhead (aéreo) - AVERAGE: mean (promedio) -OASIS: some water in the desert -BOUNDARIES OF COUNTRIES: countries limit -FIRE INSURANCE: safe of fire -VOLCANO -DUE TO: debido a -DAM: swamp (pantano) -RAINFALL: precipitation -STREAM: creek (riachuelo) -GRASSLAND: meadow (pradera) -ILLNESSES: sickness -KNOWLEDGE:know about something -SOIL: land/ ground -LANDSCAPES: scenery -MOUNTAING RANGE: serie of mountains (cordillera) -SURFACE: area -NEVERTHELESS: however -ACCURATE: precise -DUE: owing -CONTOURS:outline -SLOPE: pendant -DAMS: presa/ dique  -COAST: land by the sea -EARTHQUAKE: seismic movement -GRASSHOPPER:                         ...
STARTER UNIT GLOSSARY: Hi everybody!! Here are some words that I have learnt on this week of english classes. SET UP: create   DISRUPT: disturb DEVELOPMENT: progress TASKS: homework LITTERING: mess, dirty... REHEARSAL: test, essay... SLEEPOVER: party at night with friends and pijamas COUDN´T SLEEP A WINK: Can´t sleep because of something GET USED TO:  accustom
WELCOME!!! Hi classmates, welcome to my new english blog, I hope you like it. I love this new project, because is something different, here you will find some new vocabulary, projects, and expressions. I think english is a very important language, because is necesary for a lot of professions, so, I love learning a little bit about it. BFN!!
WELCOME!!! Hi classmates, welcome to my new english blog, I hope you like it. I love this new project, because is something different, here you will find some new vocabulary, projects, and expressions. I think english is a very important language, because is necesary for a lot of professions, so, I love learning a little bit about it. BFN!!